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Spot repair is the efficient and cost-effective alternative for repairing minor paint damage. In this training you will learn how.
You have the possibility to receive state funding for this module through an education voucher. For more information on funding for this training, please contact us.
Training content:
- Equipment and tools
- Exercises on individual components
- Priming (preparation)
- Colour determination and mixing
- Applying paint with a spray can
- Applying paint with a spray gun
- Finish work
Our funded training offer Spot-Repair:

50 days training
- 50 days / 400 units / 10 weeks knowledge transfer
(Conform § 16 Abs. 1 SGB II i.V.m. §§ 81 ff SGB III) - Access requirements are an interest in motor vehicles and basic manual skills
- Instruction times are Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 to 15:00. (Times may vary depending on the location.)
- 50 days / 400 units / 10 weeks knowledge transfer
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